Monday, September 29, 2014

five things to accomplish ...

... for the last week of september.. 

September has come & gone too fast, due to the fact that I was in Florida for 10 days.  I do have a check list of things to accomplish before the end of this week!  Fingers crossed, I can get all of it done.

1. Bake Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls.  I am not a cook but I have been craving a sweet snack, so we will see if I can make them just as good as the Pioneer Woman bakes them.   

| image via Pioneer Woman |

2. Try out the No Lie Brewery with Cody  

| image via No - Li Brewery |

3. Buy this, this, & dream about buying this.

4. Decorate the trailer in fall decorations,  I am using this as inspiration.  

| image via pinterest |

5. And jam out to this song.. Yes, I am a Taylor Swift fan, please hold your judgment

Have an awesome Monday, people!!
l.b. <3


  1. you're too funny. Love that necklace, and that song

    1. I played the song over 20 times on my flight home!!
